About travelingblackbird.com

Travelingblackbird.com is a travelblog on which I, Merel (literally translated blackbird 😉 ), share my personal travel experiences.

On this website you will only read articles about places that I have actually visited. I am sharing destinations that I loved to visit, places that have impressed me and give you practical tips for your next trip or city break. Oh and because eating is actually a hobby of mine, I regularly write about restaurants where I have eaten delicious food. I also occasionally share a non-travel article such as a personal story. 

You can expect a new article twice a week. On my Instagram account I share a travel tip, restaurant tip or a behind-the-scenes look at my daily life several times a week. So if you want to stay up to date, follow me on Instagram, merel_travelingblackbird.

Do you have a question, did you come across a spelling mistake on my website or do you have a good idea for a collaboration with travelingblackbird.com? Then send an email to travelingblackbirdblog@gmail.com.

Over travelingblackbird